WordPress Ipswich August Meetup
- July 15, 2019
15 Downs St
North Ipswich

*Speaker and topic yet to be announced.*
This Meetup will be held at **Ipswich Jets Leagues Club**, 15 Downs St
North Ipswich. The room is right down the back and up the stairs, if you haven’t been before then please just ask one of the friendly staff members for assistance. There’s plenty of parking nearby and 15 minute walk from the main Ipswich train station.
If you have an idea or found a WordPress feature you didn’t know about recently then chances are many others in the group may not know either. It could even be a recent plugin you discovered, we’d love to have you as a guest speaker to share your knowledge. Please see one of the organisers if you’d like to present, the more we share then the more we all learn!
Drinks and nibbles are also provided, thanks to our gracious sponsors Ipswich Jets Leagues Club, Excite Media, Plesk and Conetix.
If this is your first WordPress Meetup, please don’t be shy! You’ll find a great community of users and developers who are all happy to share their WordPress wisdom and information.
The WordPress Meetups are community driven and focused. Anyone with an interest in WordPress is very welcome to attend, we have members who range from bloggers and basic business owners who use WordPress through to designers and developers who have high levels of knowledge.